Program: VPKTool (Beta)
Version: 1.7.4
Release Date: 10/02/2016
Developer: c0d3m4st4
Source: c0d3m4st4’s Twitter
Download: Mirror 1 (includes readme)
Version: 1.7.4
Release Date: 10/02/2016
Developer: c0d3m4st4
Source: c0d3m4st4’s Twitter
Download: Mirror 1 (includes readme)
v1.7.4 (beta)
- Fixed bug in FTP auto upload mode
v1.7.3 (beta)
- MaiDumpTool v233.2z10 support
v1.7.2 (beta)
- Added extra info for unknown VPKs (could be homebrew, early Mai dumps, dev leaks… USE THESE ONES AT YOUR OWN RISK!). For homebrew, just get it from trusted sources!
v1.7.1 (beta)
- I said it was a very beta release xD Fixed a stupid bug when splitting and renaming at the same time. All files renamed had a BEWARE msg in the dumper information. Hope you didn’t delete them!
My fault, it was a rushed release last night!
v1.7 (beta)
- With the recent malicious dumps out there (PCSE00229 – Fruit Ninja and PCSE00256 – Kung Fu Rabbit, not real “Mai” dumps), this is a quick release so you can at least get dumper application info and decide what to do. Sorry if anything crashes, i was in the middle of adding new stuff and cleaning up the code a bit. Please report any bug at twitter @c0d3m4st4
- Mark as safe option is not optional anymore. Everytime you split or repack a VPK file, it will be marked as safe.
- Added online update. You should get the option to update VPKTool every time a new version is released.
- Added a new option to create VPK files (you can either create a new VPK from a folder, given it contains all the necessary files, or merge a folder and another VPK file (useful to recreate a previously splitted VPK).
- Removed the option to zip up the [TITLE_ID]_ftp folder, since i don’t touch the original VPK file, that’s the one you should preserve, i consider this option now useless.
- Added options to define your renaming pattern in the settings panel. That way you can choose what to show and what to hide in your renamed VPK files.
- Fixed a bug happening when renaming files with TITLE attribute in param.sfo containing a carriage return char
- Added dumping tool info
- Now showing a warning on start up if the paths defined in the settings panel are not found. Fix the paths first, or you won’t be able to open any VPK file.
- A couple bugs fixed (nothing serious, just forgot to disable some checkboxes on main screen… not affecting functionality at all).

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