Super Monkey Ball Banana Splitz
Region: EUR
Product ID: PCSB-00065
Genre: Adventure
Language: English
Format: VPK
Vitamin: 2.0
Size: 835 MB
Store: PSN
Release Date: Nov 15, 2013

The puzzling primates return with all-new worlds, original mini-games and updated graphics adding a fresh new vibrancy to Super Monkey Ball for PlayStation Vita. Players can manage each monkey’s momentum to navigate narrow ledges, moving platforms and loads of challenging obstacles. Roll your chosen ape to the goal by taking full advantage of the capabilities offered by the innovative new PSVITA handheld console and challenge up to four friends in Wi-Fi enabled multiplayer modes. Fans can also enjoy revamped classic games such as the much-loved Monkey Target, along with brand new additions.
Super Monkey Ball Banana Splitz sees the return of the original four monkeys AiAi, MeeMee, GonGon and Baby traveling through various stages in traditional Monkey Ball stages. Banana Splitz also features eight mini-games including returning mini-games Monkey Target and Monkey Bingo. The game supports PlayStation Vita’s tilt and touch control schemes. Banana Splitz also introduces a ‘Creation mode’ in-which you can create your own stages using the Vita’s camera feature. The game takes use of online multiplayer as well as online leaderboards.

1. Unrar the Compressed file
2. Install VPK using VitaShell
3. Done! Play! Enjoy!
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